==== Jooby Devices ==== * [[en:rdc:rmu_modules|Radio modules universal/multichannel (RM)]] * [[en:rdc:sensors|Sensors and Cables]] ==== Jooby Development ==== * [[https://github.com/jooby-dev/jooby-docs|Message documentation]] * [[https://github.com/jooby-dev/jooby-codec|Message encoders/decoders]] * [[https://jooby-dev.github.io/jooby-gui/|Message encoders/decoders GUI (Demo)]] * [[https://github.com/jooby-dev|API for interacting with Jobby devices. Other documentation]] ---- * [[en:rdc:gas_accounting:RM_module_work_description|Description of work. Commands. Parameters]] * [[https://github.com/jooby-dev/jooby-docs/blob/main/docs/analog/commands/readme.md|Command and Parameter Examples]] ===== RM 4PU/4PI Radio Module - Installation/Activation ===== * Connect the Sensor cable connector to [[en:rdc:sensors|Jooby Splitter 1x4PU/1x2PU]] and fix with nuts (Fig.1-2-3). {{:en:rdc:devices:1.jpg?direct&300|Fig.1}} {{:en:rdc:devices:2.jpg?direct&205|Fig.2}} {{:en:rdc:devices:3.jpg?direct&305|Fig.3}} {{:en:rdc:devices:6.jpg?direct&285|}} Attention! On the Jooby Splitter 1x4PU/1x2PU cable there are **clips** indicating the port number of the Radio Module (Fig.5). {{:en:rdc:devices:4.jpg?direct&300|}} * **Activation**. Connect the connector of the 4-port cable to the Radio Module and fix it with the nut (Fig.5). When the connector is connected to the Radio Module, an **Activation** event is generated. To reactivate module, disconnect and connect again the 4-port cable connector to the Radio Module. {{:en:rdc:devices:6.jpg?direct&300|}} * **Optional!** Forced sending of the current values of the pulse counter on all ports. Bring the magnet for a few seconds to the body of the Radio Module in the designated area (Fig.6). {{:en:rdc:devices:7.jpg?direct&300|}} After the magnet is applied, the Radio Module will send the current value of the pulse counter to all ports.